Payment methods
Wire transfer
After receiving your order confirmation by email, you can transfer the total amount in advance directly from your bank account to ours. The wire transfer time depends on your bank and can take from a few minutes to max. 1 business day. The ordered items will be sent immediately after receiving the payment.
You will find our bank details together with the order confirmation that you will receive by email.
Please always indicate the order number when transferring money by bank transfer.
Amazon Pay
With Amazon Pay you have the chance to pay directly from your Amazon account, using the payment and shipping information you have already saved. You don't need to create another account for this payment method - neither with us nor with Amazon Pay. Your regular Amazon account already provides us with all the necessary information. A fast, easy and safe method.
If paying with Amazon Pay, no additional costs will be charged and payment information will not be transferred.
With this payment method no changes or additions are possible!
PayPal Express
If you have a PayPal account, simply clicking on the "PayPal Express" button will automatically initiate the payment and you will be immediately directed to the PayPal payment page. The necessary data relating to the delivery address and billing address will be transmitted directly from the PayPal account. It is therefore not necessary to enter any additional address.
The order will only be sent to us after clicking on "Order now". You can also pay conveniently with your Visa or MasterCard credit card via PayPal. With this method of payment you will not have to incur additional costs either from us or from PayPal, with the exception of exchange fees for other currencies other than the EUR.
Note: if you select "PayPal Express", the data will be transmitted from those stored in the PayPal account. Please check that the address entered in PayPal corresponds to the desired delivery address!
Direct debit PayPal Plus
After completing your order, you will be directed to an encrypted external PayPal website. There you will have the opportunity to enter your bank details. It is not required to have a PayPal account and it is not necessary to create a new one. The transfer takes place via PayPal. With this payment method, you will not have to incur additional costs either from us or from PayPal, with the exception of exchange fees for other currencies other than the EUR.
Purchase on account (30 days) for German business customers
Buy now, pay later (BNPL) for German business customers via Billie.
For business customers registered in Germany, we offer invoice payment by bank transfer only after receipt of goods and invoice (“BNPL”). In order to provide this service, we cooperate with the financial service provider Billie GmbH. We assign the debt to Billie GmbH once a valid address and credit check has been performed during the ordering process. Please transfer the invoice amount within the payment period indicated on the invoice. The transfer needs to be made to the account indicated on the invoice.
With this payment method no changes or additions are possible!
The privacy policy of Billie GmbH can be found here: Privacy policy Billie. It applies in addition to our privacy policy and our terms and conditions.
Nexi Checkout Credit Card, Apple Pay
Credit Card
As another alternative, we also offer the option to pay by credit card. For this, we will redirect you to our credit card service provider Nexi Germany GmbH during the checkout process, where you can make your payment to us. Your credit card will be charged after the payment is completed. Orders paid by credit card will be shipped immediately by us. For privacy reasons, we do not store any credit card data in our online shop. Payment-relevant data is transferred directly to the payment service provider via an encrypted data connection.
Apple Pay
On Apple hardware, you can easily pay via Apple Pay using the Safari browser. This service is also provided by our partner Nexi Germany GmbH. Your credit card linked to Apple Pay will be charged after the payment is completed. Orders paid via Apple Pay will also be shipped immediately. For privacy reasons, we do not store any credit card data in our online shop. Payment-relevant data is transferred directly to the payment service provider via an encrypted data connection.